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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 337 An Old Man

Saturday, December 3 – Shot this on our way through Valley of Fire. This old guy wasn’t a bit afraid and was just grazing along the road. I used my telephoto and got a few shots. I wonder how old he is and if he will make it through another winter?





























Day 336 Who Has Been Walking Here?

Friday, December 2 – I never did decide who or what had been traveling through the desert and left these tracks behind. Whatever it was weighed enough to sink in pretty far. This was in the Valley of Fire.










Day 335 Happy Birthday, Bobbi and Billi

Thursday, December 1 – It’s my precious twin daughters’ birthdays today. Wishing them both the best day ever. Wish I could be there to help you celebrate. Pardon the space between photos. I am having issues with WordPress and for some reason it won’t let me move the photos closer together without erasing the bottom one. Maybe Curtis can fix it for me.


Day 334 Desert Wildflower

Wednesday, November 30 – This is a shot from the Valley of Fire outside of Vegas. Not sure what the name of this pretty little yellow wildflower is, but find it amazing that anything grows there. We were just a little late to shoot a great sunset, but it certainly is a glorious place to do that.




















Day 333 Come On Up

Tuesday, November 29 – More craziness. I just can not understand why anyone would want to try doing this. But evidentally I am in the minority in this location.











































Day 332 Something I Will Never Do

Monday, November 28 – This is what the above location is popular for and something I have no interest in ever doing. Crazy thing to want to do!! More shots to come.


























Day 331Up, Up and Away

Sunday, November 27 – Here is a shot from a canyon close to Vegas that we visited.

Day 330 Running in the Desert

Saturday, November 26 –  What a cool place to take your morning run. Kimmie and I crossed paths with this really nice young man going up Snow Canyon.









Day 329 Happy Birthday, Lily Jade

Friday, November 25 – Today is Lily Jade’s 3rd birthday.  I miss you so much. I bet you are having a great special day. Did you get to go to the Milwaukee Zoo? I have Brooke here with me today. She has been helping me with my chores and we went shopping in Great Falls at 4am. We also ended up taking our old barn cat, Shadow, to the vet. She has something wrong with her and can not walk. I am very worried about her. The wind is howling out right now.

Day 328 Happy Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 24 – Happy Thanksgiving to all!! Looking back on my year so far, I am so thankful for my family and friends, both old and new. You have all made my life what it is. I am grateful to be healthly enough to still be able to travel and have done lots of that so far this year. Next year will bring even more exciting places; Sedona, Arches, Canyonlands, and Tanzania. So today my picture will reflect my latest travels and those of the future represented by the tracks leading off into the distance.  I am thankful for being able to see this beautiful world that God made through the lens of a camera. These are from the sand dunes at Death Valley. It was so quiet and peaceful there and it was the place that Kimmie and I did star trails also. Talk about a physical workout though. Walking up and down sand dunes is hard work and it was a long way out to the tallest one. which was a 100 feet tall.  The textures you find there are fantastic. The sand varies in color from very white  to golden and even a dark grey.












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