Day 244 That Sweet Little Face
Tuesday, September 1 – A new month begins today. I still haven’t gotten used to it being August yet. We watched Tristan and Lily on Sunday night and had such a great time with them. Even got some take out from the Grand Union. Walter had a ‘Nick’ burger and ‘to die for’ fries and I had a pasta dish that had chicken and blue cheese in it. I love blue cheese anything so this one was a perfect choice. Here is a shot from our babysitting session. Kristie even had my little sweetie dressed in my favorite color, orange. It is looking like a little shower might come through this afternoon. It is pretty warm out; 87, so that should help cool things off. We got to see Bobbi’s new house yesterday and it is fabulous. The kids are going to love living there; not only is the house out of this world, but the neighborhood is great.