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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day31 Out To Sea

Sunday, January 31 – The first full night and day at sea and on our way to Aruba. The first shot is from the sunrise which I shot from our balcony. The 2nd is the sunset from the back of the ship. That final one is the view from my G11 looking down from around my neck at the G5M2 and my room card.

Day 30 Photos Finally Worked

Saturday, January 30 – I am on my laptop now and hope this works. These shots are all from Miami. That first shot is of part of our group eating breakfast at the hotel. I did get a few shots of live trees and such. There certainly are alot of freeze damaged plants around.  Obviously the ficus trees did not like the cold.

Day 29 – Day One

Friday, January 29 – We boarded the Island Princess today and off we go to the sunny Caribbean. Here are a few shots I took today. No sea sickness yet and we are having a great time. Shoot, I can’t get it to work. I will have to go get my laptop and try again.

Day29 And We Are Off

Friday, January 29 – And we are off to unsunny Miami.  Here was my view all day yesterday, over 12 states and 11 hours. We arrived in chilly Miami at 6 last night. Our bus driver said it is cold here; I think it is way better than what Montana has been having. We wokw up to some stormy looking skies. There were no photo ops yesterday, so let’s hope for some today. We will be heading for the ship at noon. Garry and Cheryl were right next door last night and we will all be meeting for breakfast in just a little while.

Day 28 Off We Go

Thursday, January 28th – We are off to the sunny Caribbean tomorrow morning bright and early. The suitcases are packed, my photos are uploaded for class and I need to get some sleep. Hopefully I will have some fun photos soon to share. Brr it is 1 degree out right now!! Here is a macro shot of wheat that I did for class.

Day 27 What Are Those Suitcases For?

Wednesday, January 27 – Jade has been eyeing the suitcases all day and I am sure has some idea that something is going on. Shep is looking very depressed. They both go to see their veterinarian tomorrow to be boarded.  My sis will be here to house sit for me, but I didn’t want her to have to bother with the pets. It hasn’t warmed up one bit yet and they are calling for more snow this weekend. Oh, is that Caribbean warm air going to feel good.

Day 26 – Happy Birthday, Gregg

Tuesday, January 26 – Today is Gregg’s big birthday; he turns a milestone one and I’m not spilling the beans on which it is either. I thought this shot would do you justice, Gregg. Even the sun is happy for your day. Monday was lunch out with my buddies at Chili’s. We had a delicous lunch, lots of laughs and I got some awesome gifts. Melissa made me an ORANGE camera strap that I love to death. It is extra long, just like I was wanting. She lined it with a bright orange soft fleece that is going to be so nice on my neck. My new camera strap is going to around my neck at the Panama Canal for sure. Coleen got me a brand new super big, hold everything, awesome wallet. It was needed so badly and she must have known that. I have never had a really nice wallet; so this is extra special. I will be using this one on our cruise for sure. Coleen has one just like it and loves hers. She also made me one of the most gorgeous cards I have ever seen. I think you are officially a stamping expert, my dear.  Jenn got me three photography books that have ranching, Montana or barns for subjects. I have excuse for not being inspired to get out there and shoot away. All three are gorgeous and full of the most beautiful photos. She also got me some shaped chipboard albums, some cherry bling for scrapbooking and a window suncatcher that I get to make that is cherry themed. I can not thank my buddies enough for the lovely day they gave me. What would life be without dear friends like you guys!! I so wish that Leslee and Cheryl could have joined us; but those babies and adult patients need you too.  Walter and I had the Rueben casserole that Bobbi gave me for supper tonight. It was wonderful; Walter had three helping and raved at how good it was. It will definitely be made again at my house.

Day 25 Christmas Leftovers

Monday, January 25 – Here are some leftover candy canes from my Christmas tree shot with my macro for my photography class. We have so darned much snow and I was so sick of looking at it, that I decided  to feature something different here today. The snow is over my knees everywhere and there are drifts hip high. Doing chores is a real ‘chore’. What a snowstorm!! We certainly didn’t expect that much snow overnight. I am so thankful we don’t have calving cows to worry about. Bobbi and Billi brought the kids out this afternoon to bring me my birthday presents. I got a really neat cookbook from Bobbi’s family that is for cooking for just two people(Walter says I need it badly). She even made me a Rueben casserole in a loaf pan from it. Pretty neat idea!!  I can hardly wait for dinner tomorrow night when I bake it. They also got me Shea Cashmere shower gel and lotion(perfect for my new bathroom).  I love that scent so much!! Billi’s family gave me a hardboud book that she had done with photos of all my grandchildren. I wondered why she had ask me for copies of photos off my blog of the kids. Sneaky!! I will cherish it forever. It is so nice to have those favorite photos right there all bound in one place.  What fabulous personal gifts!!  Billi even brought supper along; Swedish Meatballs. Talented Brooke brought me a decorated orange horse Birthday cake. What a excellent job she did and it was so good. The kiddos spent some time outside sleighriding in the fluffy snow and giggling. The little girls then all had to use Grandma’s bubbling tub  and then spend time in the sauna. At one time we had all 5 of them at once on laptop and netbook computers. I know what I am using my birthday and Christmas money for now; an ipod touch!! After trying out Bobbi’s, I am sold. It was it or the Kindle and this one is fine for me to see and does so much besides being just an ebook reader. What a great day!! While on the subject of birthday gifts; Tiffany couldn’t be here, but she gave me a gorgeous woven tote/purse with leather straps. I am going to use it to carry my stuff to the Peak when I go swimming. Billi wondered where I got the great tote today. It was a very thoughtful gift that will be used and used. Thanks to all three of my girls for being such wonderful daughters. You are very appreciated and I feel so lucky to have you.

Day 24 Oh, Has Winter Ever Come Back

Sunday, January 24 – You might say winter has come back. I haven’t been out to take a photo yet this morning, but it really got with the program last night. We have snow that is all the way up to the pickup box. Walter said it looks like we might have gotten a couple of feet. I hope he is worng and that it just blew it in around here. It is going to be miserable doing chores this morning. I am soo sooo glad to not be calving now. I shot this one out my front door yesterday morning with the G11 set on AV so that I could use it for my class.  You can imagine how much more snow there is; as it snowed all day and night. The cruise and warm weather are looking better and better. Forgot to say that I used a Lightroom Preset, A Touch of Brown, that I got from Jon Canfield. I just thought with the leaves that are still clinging to the tree that are brown, it gave it a neat cast and accented those leaves more.

Day 23 A Return To Winter

Saturday, January 23 – We have returned to winter with a bang. There is so much snow here. Hard to tell how much actually came down with all the big drifts and it is still snowing. Walter thinks in the neighborhood of 10 inches have already fallen. It was shoveling out feed bunks this morning. I was going to do some outside shooting for class, but will bag that for sure. This was the view coming home down my road yesterday afternoon just as the storm was starting. Taken with the G11 again. This is a rather ‘blah’ photo, but that is what the day was for weather.

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