Took this one just as the sun was coming up at my daughter’s house. There are actually two birds if you look at the right side of the tree too.
Just a Pretty Pink Flower.
One of my Hoya’s is blooming. They smell so good.
This guy turned 18 today. Where did all those years go? You were a cute little guy and now you are an amazing young man with such a bright future ahead. I am so proud of you, Tristan.
Made two loaves of Banana Bread yesterday and they are on their way to my daughter and son-in-law’s house. It is a favorite of theirs.
My 6 big tomato plants are still going strong.
More flowers blooming today in the sun porch.
Can you guess what this is?
I noticed this pattern early this morning as I headed out.Can you tell what it is?
The little succulent is growing fast. No damage from coming when it was freezing with FedEx.
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