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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 303 An Unusual Sandbox

Sunday, October 30 – Whoever heard of filling a sandbox with corn? Well, this one was and it was a blast! One more day until Halloween. Tiff will be here with the kiddos and the whole bunch of us will be out trick or treating Monday night. Too bad it is a school night though. Let’s hope for nice weather. The wind is howling today. My chickens are staying inside for a change. We got our new chicken coop yesterday and the “nuggets” have a whole lot more room now. Still have to get the electricity in. Will be stopping in Bozeman in the next day or two to pick up my new ‘toys’. I sold my Little Kat bull and have some spending money that has been targeted for camera equipment.

Day 302 My Beautiful Granddaughter

Saturday, October 29 – What a beautiful young lady, Becca, is growing up to be.  That is one big pumpkin she found to sit on. The Sterling Cattle Company has such a great idea going on there. Now we need to find a farmer to grow a pumpkin patch. Wouldn’t that be fun?!














Day 301 Lost?? in the Corn Maze?? You have got to be kidding!

Friday, October 28 – As you can see it wasn’t much of a worry to get lost in the corn maze. Still a great family fun place!!
























Day 300 Becca vs The Corn Maze

Thursday, October 27 – Kimmie, Becca and I made a fun trip out to the local corn maze and what a great time we three had. It was a bit muddy, but that didn’t stop us from venturing out through the twisting trails and enjoying the various activities there. What a wonderful place for youngsters and olders alike. It is too bad that the corn didn’t grow taller was my only complaint. But being a farmer, I sure understand that you have no control over things like that. It was such a “lowsy” year for gardens, that I am sure the weather had something to do with it. Here are a few shots of Becca enjoying our trip. The root beer floats at A&W afterwards were a perfect ending.  This last weekend, we took Bobbi and Billi’s kiddos out with their moms too. Will be sharing some of those photos in the upcoming days.









 They think I can’t lead them through that maze??









Come on, Grandma and Kimmie, it’s this way.







And off we go!!







Day 299 The Biffy

Wednesday, October 26 – We have an old outhouse at the Raynesford ranch that has seen better days. It was actually a 2 holer and state of the art in it’s day.Look at that fancy modern toilet seat. The poor thing is almost falling over now.  I remember some really cool western art that one of our hired men drew when I was just a kid. It is long gone now which is too bad. I remember Dad telling me that the fellow went on to be pretty well known.


Day 298 The Old Barn

Tuesday, October 25-  This is my parent’s old barn at the ranch. Lots of memories here; shooting sparrows in the loft, feeding my 4-H steers and milking the cow. Tiff, Bobbi and I are off to the corn maze this afternoon. We thought we had better take the kiddos before the snow flies this next week.


Day 297 Silhouettes

Monday, October 24 – We had to submit silhouettes this week for class and this is one that I shot. Nice sunsets lately. Sounds like we may have our first really cold weather and a bit of snow next week.

Day 296 Beer Can Chicken?

Sunday, October 23 – In honor of Brad’s birthday, I thought I would post a photo of the famous beer can chicken that was attempted at his house a few weeks ago. Lovely bird, don’t you think? Happy Birthday to my son-in-law!


Day 295 House On Fire??

Sarurday, October 22 -  I shot this one a few days ago when we had a really brilliant sunset. As you can see, these living room windows face west and gave a pretty interesting, almost fire like view of that nice sunset. I am not sure why that one smaller window caught that vivid red color. Make sure to click on the photo to enlarge it to appreciate that pretty fire red color in the windows.


Not Working

My blog site does not seem to be working anymore. I am unable to post photos, so don’t know when I will be back on. There was a recent wordpress update and that must have done something. Hope that Curtis can figure out what is wrong soon so that I can be up and running again.

Update: We got it going again. Thanks to my computer guru, Curtis.

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