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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

The Secret is Out

I got my new camera yesterday and took that snap shot of Walter last night with it. Walter got me a new Canon 5D Mark11. What a camera. It has 21 megapixels. That is double what my 40D has. It also takes HD video and stills at the same time. I haven’t used it much, but did take a few photos at Marilynn’s birthday party today. Funny thing, it is smaller than my 40D, but weighs the same. This is going to be so much fun having a brand new camera for our cruise. Now I need to practice like crazy this week to get used to it.  I hope to post some photos from the little gem tomorrow.

Day 31 Photo – Holy cow! I did it!!

I still can not believe that the first month of PAD’s is through and I did it and never missed a day. It has been so much fun and really makes me haul my camera out and being ‘seeing’ more. We are heading to Marilynn’s 7th birthday party today. Jenn will be there with Kati too, so I will have someone to visit with. I actually volunteered the two of us to take photos at the party. I chose some photos of Jade from my class to share this final day of January. She is getting pretty sick and tired of being a model...

Day 30 Photo – A hard day on the farm!

I spent the day helping Martha pack up getting ready to move to the Eagles Manor this week. It is quite a job with all the years of accumulation.  It will be so nice for her to have the companionship of other people though and she will be closer to Grandpa Carl too. Hopefully he will be eventually well enough to do assisted living in that same complex. I am late posting today, so I grabbed the camera and shot Walter doing what he does every night at this time.  That hard working farmer!!!

Day 29 Photo (again) – been at this computer too long!

I already posted these earlier and now they have disappeared, so here goes again.  Jade’s favorite place these days has been my computer hard drive stack; must be warm up there.  It was just too tempting to not take a shot or two of her taking her afternoon nap. She looks like she might be saying, “I just can’t keep my eyes open any longer, been at this computer too long.” The other two show what comes next; a long nap! ..

Day 28 Photo Jade in Silhouette

Here are a couple of Jade I captured last night when I was working on my class photos. I decided to silhouette her against the sunset through our downstairs curtains.  I don’t know if one of these is going to work for my profile photo or not. But I thought they were kind of interesting. ISO 400,F/3.5,1/250s, 50mm..

Day 27 Photo

Holy cow, do we ever have wind today. I could hardly walk back to the house today. Ron and I moved some cows this morning which was quite a task against the wind. They are getting close to calving and I am trying to get things situated for leaving. Took this one out in front of my house where there is a protected place from wind, so that I could still get some snow. The rest of our snow is moving northeast really fast. I am liking the above zero temps though.  ISO 100, F/5.6, 1/640s shot with my 50mm.

Trying it out

Just trying the new little guy out. Here is a photo that I took at the Grand Canyon. 

Day 26 Photo

The sun is shining again today, but it doesn’t look like it is going to make it above zero. I ran out with the camera and took a couple of quick shots when the light was right.  I still worry about condensation in the camera when I am out too long on days like this.  My case for the litle computer that Walter got me came today. Really cute little thing and it is really well made.  I am getting it all ready to upload photos to share while I am in the Caribbean. I also bought a SDHC 8gb card that plugs in for extra memory. It is less than two weeks now before we leave. Ran the dog and cat in to the vet this morning to get their boosters; so now they are all ready to be boarded while we are gone. ISO 100, F/11, 1/250s taken with my 50mm.

Day 25 and it is still cold!

Woke up to below zero temps again and it is supposed to be even colder tonight; 25below. Yuck!! We need to get the calving sheds ready, as the heifers could start anytime now. I still can not believe that I am actually leaving my hired men and son in charge while I go on a cruise. Guess that must mean that I am really getting ready to retire. Bring on the warm weather down south!! I have actually been looking at houses in Sedona on the internet. Leslee and Curtis sure started something when they took me there last fall. Walter wants to go down and take a look himself now. We are still considering Curacao too.  Son, Carl, really wants us to go to Sedona, so he can come visit.

Took this shot this morning when it was brrrr, cold out and Shep was ready to come back inside. I used my 50mm, ISO100, F/5.6, 1/640s, changed to slight sepia tone.  Was going to play with it a bit in Lightroom, but the stupid program is not responding again today. I am going to wait until I get back in February to buy the real version. Hopefully it will work correct. It is a fabulous program and easy to use when it responds. .

Day 24 Photo – Mercy Flight

I arrived just at the perfect time to capture the Benefis Mercy Flight helicopter taking off.  I took this one on Wednesday on my way to get my Dexascan.  Sure do wish we would get those blue skies back again. It is snowing lightly here and so cold; not yet above zero. I have been busy taking photos for my Pet Photography class. I need to post a few of those soon. ISO 100, 1/25s, F/22-F/36.....

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