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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 335 Happy Birthday, Bobbi and Billi!!

Wednesday, December 1 – Today my beautiful twin daughters turn a year older. You girls have grown to be such fantastic women and wonderful mothers. I am so darned proud of both of you!!  I hope you celebrate your day in a really special way. I love you!! Here is a shot from my trip to Glacier this summer for you.  This was with and without the use of a reflector. I also used a Canon 500D Closeup Lens which I finally learned when to use from Bryan Peterson.


Day 334 Bet Is Doesn’t Look Like This Now

Tuesday, November 30 – Last day of the month!! I can hardly believe that I have just one month to go for my entire photo year. I am hooked on this PAD thing and will continue it for sure next year. I sure hope my pal, Curtis, will too. This shot was from the beginning of the month at the Mall of America. The stores weren’t open yet and it was really quiet. I bet it doesn’t look like this tonight!!  Might have titled this The Calm Before The Storm. The Apple store was right close by. I spent a whole lot of time there. They let me use a table to download apps on my new iPad. I sure wish we had an Apple store in Montana.

Day 333 A Prickly Pretty

Monday, November 29 – Where has November gone? We have strong winds tonight blowing snow around. Another cold blast is forecast for the weekend. My missing mail from when I had it stopped the beginning of the month, finally showed up today. The man at the post office denied that it was from then and that it was just extra that came over the weekend. Funny how all those bills from the first week of November were in there. I called the 800 number and complained. I don’t know what they will or can do about it. Very annoying and I sure won’t have my mail held again. Dreaming of Sedona tonight. I got a huge packet of things from AAA about Sedona today. Would sure like to see cactus instead of snow right now.

Day 332 Who Are You Trying To Fool?

Sunday, November 28 – Just got through ordering a canvas for Tiff and am excited to see how it turns out. It is using one of those photos of the boys that I posted two days ago.  I really should get some more of my photos done and up on the walls. Here we have a photo courtesy of Walter of his goose hunting a few days ago. I don’t know who they are trying to fool with these decoys. Why are their socks on their heads? Don’t know what he set his camera on, but looks like he needed to adjust for white. Interesting shot and thanks for sharing.

Day 331 Happy Birthday, Lily Jade

Saturday, November 27 – Thanksgiving and Black Friday have come and gone for another year. Now it is on to Christmas festivities. Year 2010 has rushed by at lightning speed. Our dear little Lily became 2 years old yesterday. My little itouch girl is getting so grown up.  I miss you so much, Lily.

Day 330 A Couple Of Cuties!!

Friday, November 26 – Here are a couple shots of Tiff’s adorable boys. What cuties they are.  We had a great time over Thanksgiving and they ate their fair share of turkey and ham. It finally warmed up yesterday for Black Friday. Lots of ice this morning and it is now 45 outside. There is a snow advisory for tonight and tomorrow however. Guess winter is around for awhile.


Day 329 I Sure Am Glad I Am Not A Turkey!!

Thursday, November 25 – Happy Thanksgiving to all. Walter shot these, with his new camera, of  his friend, the pheasant. Silly bird doesn’t realize that his so-called friend is a hunter.  I think he has holed up somewhere the last few days with the bitter cold. I am sure he is glad he isn’t a turkey today.


Day 328 An All Natural Electric Blanket

Wednesday, November 24 – Here is how I keep warm nights. Jade is a pest, but she does keep one warm during this cold weather. Walter  took this one this morning with his new camera. He took it with him elk hunting last weekend and found out digital doesn’t work when it is below zero for long. He did get a few shots that I will be sharing of the elk that Brad shot. Waiting for a Chinook!!

Day 327 A Scarlet Cau-Cau’s Cousin

Tuesday, November 23 – This one is for Tristan. He loves Scarlet Cau-Ca’us, alias Magpies. Here is a shot from the Grand Canyon that sure looks like it could be a relative; it just needs a few white feathers. I looked online for a stuffed toy magpie for him and all I can find is one  for $189 in Europe. Don’t think so!! I was amazed that Nick and Kristie even saw magpies in Africa.

Day 326 Know Where This Is?

Monday, November 22 – Anyone know where this is?  It is one of my all time favorite places to shop. I have included a light that I wouldn’t mind having. They have lots of really reasonable photos on canvas. I could really do some damage to the checkbook here. 


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