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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 31 It’s Open!

Look what happened overnight!

Day 30 Opening Soon

This Orchid bud is getting close to opening.

Day 29 Wind Sculpting

The wind sure has fun sculpting the snow.

Day 28 Guess Where I Was

Can you guess where I was all morning? Jury Duty…

Day 27 It Works

The snow fence certainly works. I like the shadows formed too.

Day 26 Brownies Again

We baked Brownie’s again! Best part is licking the beaters and spatula.

Day 25 Got Dumped On

The snow hit with a vengeance today. Not forecast, but sure snowed. A wet heavy snow that we even got stuck in right in the driveway. Supposed to get bad again on Sunday.

Day 24 Pretty Sunrise

A beautiful start to the day.

Day 23 Snow Fence

They got the snow fence up just in time before the wind and weather hit. Lots of blowing white stuff now. Supposed to be 6 degrees tonight. Brrr!

Day 22 Another Year Older

It’s my birthday! I love these orchids and cherish the gift of friendship they represent!

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