Day 328 Oropendula
Now that’s a name for a bird.  The 2nd shot  is an adult and a juvenile. Here is a photo of their pendulous nests too.
Now that’s a name for a bird.  The 2nd shot  is an adult and a juvenile. Here is a photo of their pendulous nests too.
This little lady is an Euphonia from Ecuador. The male is brightly colored with black and yellow.
I was going through some of my photos from Ecuador and noticed that these certainly look a whole lot like Kiwi. The plants were growing right in front of my cabin. What do you think?
Here is the big dude(Barred Rock) who is head of the coop. At least, he thinks he is. The Rhode Island Red Rooster thinks he’s boss too though. So far it has not been a problem.
Mom and I recently had lunch at Perkins. She loves the Mammoth Muffins they have with the Senior Omelets. Yum.
This was a shot from my trip to Ecuador. It is wetting my appetite for my upcoming trip to Costa Rica for more Hummingbird images.