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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 304 Happy Halloween

Saturday, October 31 – Happy Halloween to all!! Hope everyone has wonderful weather and lots of fun trick or treating. It is going to be windy, but warm here. The guys got to the cows this morning and got them fed. They had found a 100 acre hillside that was bare and were grazing there. They will get them moved home in a couple of days when the snow gets melted down a bit more. Prayers were answered for sure. Dad’s back is also better today. He just needs to give it a rest now and stay inside. I spent this afternoon with Becca and Emma. We went shopping and then out to eat wings at the Sting. Lots of fun!! Emma’s necklace came today for the ashes, so now both girls have Scout close to their hearts. I thought I would do something fun for a Halloween photo. This is one that I took of Jade and did a little work in Lightroom on it. Make sure to click on it to enlarge.

Day 303 A Leaf Along The Path

Friday, October 30 – One more day until Halloween. I went to Chase’s concert tonight. It was outstanding. I am so proud of him. It sure brings back memories of long ago when I was so proud to be sitting 1st chair clarinet. That was such a big thing when in Jr. High. I took Brooke and Brynn along for dinner at Fuddruckers. It is so much fun spending time with the grandkids. Dad hurt his back today and is miserable tonight. Aimee is spending the night up there and I will tomorow if necessary. If he isn’t better in the morning, I will be taking him in to the doc. It is sure the pits getting old. Another photo from Portland to share today. This one was taken as we were walking to one of the falls that was 100+ feet tall.  I need to get the photos I have taken with the G11 downloaded so I can share some of those too.

Day 302 Cloudy vs Tungsten

Thursday, October 29 – Holy cow, the month is almost over. Two more days and it is Halloween. I also can not believe that I have just two more months and I will have done 365 days of a photo a day. It has been such a great experience that I plan on doing it again next year. There is a foot and a half of wet snow up at Mom’s. We have about 6 inches here that has settled. I am praying for some Chinook winds to come our way soon. It is starting out to be a miserable winter. I was a helper in Brynn’s class this afternoon for her pumpkin party. We measured pumpkins and then got to eat pumpkin treats. It was so much fun. Tomorrow is Chase’s concert which I am taking the girls to. I can hardly wait to hear him play again. He is so good and loves his music. The photos today are showing what happens when you set your white balance to tungsten lighting outside. It turns the rocks blue. I included a cloudy white balance setting photo too. Bryan Peterson and I waded through the water to get to this spot for the shot. What photographers won’t do for a good picture!


Day 301 This Is Autumn?

Wednesday, October 28 – It is so yucky out that I figured I needed to share a shot of pretty scenery today. The wind is blowing like crazy and the snow is so thick that you can hardly see. We have returned to winter! This photo was taken right close to where I fell. Bryan and I walked to this spot through the water to practice some tungsten setting which turn the rocks blue. That will come tomorrow.

Day 300 A Very Hard Day

Tuesday, October 27 – Today started out being a horrible day. I had the job of taking precious Scout to be cremated. The box that Billi had fixed for her was just precious. Becca and Emma had written goodbye notes to her and there were crowns for her head and even a stuffed toy. When I got to the vet, my kitten, Little Faith, was doing very poorly. We decided that it was time to put her to sleep. The poor little thing had just given up the will to live. She had been tube fed for almost 2 weeks and never would eat on her own. She had what appeared to be pneumonia. I have such a heavy heart tonight, as I wanted her to be able to take Scout’s place in Billi’s life. That just was not meant to be. I know that neither one of them is suffering anymore and they are at peace. I can never thank Sylvia enough for all that she did to try to save Faith. That lady has a heart of gold and a love for animals that is unbelievable. The photo I am sharing today is a leaf that I found in Portland that was just begging for a quick shot.

Day 299 Beloved Scout

Monday, October 26 – Billi’s beloved Scout died this morning at 2:30. Becca slept by her last night, so she wasn’t alone. The old gal was so tiny and so tough. She is going to be so missed by her family. I have such fond memories of that little babydoll Siamese. When she was younger, she would fetch balled up papers and retrieve them just like a dog. Cutest thing ever! She was Billi’s little companion long before Becca and Emma were born. Little Scout, you have left us with so many fond memories and will always have a place in our hearts.  I wish I had some photos that showed her beautiful blues eyes better.


Day 298 A Lone Oak

Sunday, October 25 – Spend today with daughter, Billi, cutting out leaves with the Revolution for her classroom and watching over her kitty, Scout, who is in her final hours, I am afraid. When we make that committment to love a pet, it is so hard to let them go when the time comes. I haven’t heard how little Faith is doing. I sure have said many prayers for healing for her today. It pour rain this afternoon in Great Falls, but nothing out here when we got home this evening. It poured overnight, so we have so much mud in the corral. Tristan and Lily aren’t coming tonight after all. Nick has to work again tomorrow. I will miss seeing them. Grandpon was going to take the little guy fishing in the morning. Here is another shot from the Silverton country side. We were waiting to see if there was going to be a colorful sunset and nothing materialized. We took some shots of this lone oak and also some dandelion shots. This is such a gorgeous place. I could not believe all the apple trees still full of fruit. There are green houses everywhere with what looked like tomato plants inside. There are also lots of red peppers in the fields that are being picked now. Jenn and I stopped on the way home at a market along the interstate that was selling fruit and stocked up. I am so enjoying the nectarines that I bought. They had a pumpkin field full of kids choosing their favorites. There was also a corn maze and lots of other fun things for families. I brought home some Walla Walla sweet onions and potatoes for Walter to enjoy.

Day 297 Growing In The Shadows

Saturday, October 24 – I just can not get enough of looking at the beautiful scenery of Portland. I want to go back someday and do some more shots. Nick liked it there and I sure can see why. I think he spent time at the beach too which we were unable to do because of the bad weather. Little Faith is still hanging in there. I talked to Sylvia this afternoon and the little sweetie is having a really hard time breathing through her nose. She is on two antibiotics and is getting excellent care. We are all praying that she pulls through. She has already touched so many lives. I think Sylvia loves her as much as I do. I will never be able to thank her enough for all she is doing. These two shots were actually taken in an overhang right be a huge falls at Silver Falls. I didn’t think I would have enough light to do the ferns growing from the ceiling, justice, but I think it worked. That Canon 5D is amazing when it comes to low light situations.


Day 296 Reflection

Friday, October 23 – My photo today is from Silver Falls and was taken right close to that first water photo with the three leaves. It was right close to where I took my tumble. I had Xrays taken today of my arm and am waiting to hear if it is okay. It has started to get really sore and has a bump on the bone. What we photographers go through to get that perfect picture. I never would have believed that I would be out in water up to my knees in October to get a photo. The weather has been nice the last few days, but the weather man is saying watch out this weekend and the first of next week. More winter is on the way, I am afraid. The little orphan kitten that I found before leaving for Portland is still not home. She is just not wanting to live. My good buddies, Sylvia and Dr. Micki are trying their hardest to save her. She even goes home with Sylvia at night so that she can be tube fed every 6 hours. Now that is one caring, devoted lady. I can not thank them enough for all they are doing. I never did find the two litter mates. Evidentally the momma cat dumped them off in my barn and took off. Anyone who knows me well, knows what a cat lover I am and how I can not give up on saving one like this. Her name is Faith and she is a long haired Siamese and weighs less than a pound. We think she is about a month old. I hope and pray she will make it and can come back home soon. She isn’t going to be a barn cat for sure!!

Day 295 We Have These At Home Too

Thursday, October 22 – Delivered two steers to the packing plant yesterday(Wed). Have to keep that beef coming at the Grand Union. I have just 4 animals left in the pen now, so that work will soon be over. I have all my laundry done and everything put away from my trip. Here is another shot from the workshop. I certainly see enough of these at home too. I took this one in the Columbia Gorge as we were coming in to Portland. I was shocked to see all the wind chargers that line both sides now. So smart to be using clean energy.

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