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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 45 This Little Bird Says Happy Birthday To Brooke

Tuesday, February 14 – Today is Valentine’s Day and also a day to say Happy Birthday to my granddaughter who turned 14 last week.  I was surprised to look out last week and see three Meadowlarks drinking out of the pool. I guess the Montana state  bird followed us to Arizona. They got a bit wet in the snow storm we had the last two days, but they should be used to that coming from Big Sky Country.









































Day 44 Glorious Sky

Monday, February 13 – Shot this pretty sunset right out in front of our house.










Day 43 Prism

Sunday, February 12 – Thought this was a pretty cool effect at the El Tovar restaurant. It is pouring rain here in Sedona right now and there was even a rainbow a short time ago. Looks like there is another storm heading this way on Tuesday and again on Thursday. We went to the Art Show and the Farmer’s Market today. Had a lovely turkey dinner at Jose’s and am now settling in to watch the Grammy’s. Such sad news about Whitney Houston and I really want to see the tribute to her.


















Day 42 My New Apple

Saturday, February 11 – My trip to Prescott for a HDMI cord ended up producing more than that cord. Here is my new 27 inch iMac. The desktop at home is a real antique and recently lost the modem. It was time to upgrade and I love my MacBook Pro so much that I decided it was time to go all Apple. Considering I have an iPod, an iPod Touch, an iPad and an iPhone, it was a no brainer to go that direction to share the apps and all. It is sitting here, in all it’s glory, on my table waiting to be packed up to head back to it’s new home up north.That big 27 inch screen is a dream to edit on.


Day 41 Mourning Dove

Friday, February 10 – We have a pair of Mourning Doves that visits each day. A visit to Jay’s Bird Store this morning brought a big bag of bird seed home to replenish the feeders. Curtis and Leslee got some great shots yesterday of the cardinals and hummingbird Wednesday. They treated the quails to a big block of quail food from the bird store today. The little fast movers are going to thank them a whole lot.

Day 40 Western Scrub Jay

Thursday, February 9 – Today was Jerome visiting day. I still don’t enjoy that drive up the scary road, but it is well worth it when I get there. Knit 1 Bead 2 was as delightful as ever. I got some yarn for my sis and a few skeins for myself. Leslee found some that she couldn’t live without either. It is a very good thing this place is not nearer to home. We then had a delightful lunch at the Haunted Hamburger with their gigantic desserts following. Six layer carrot cake and mile high chocolate cake make the trip worth it, just in themselves. Off we headed to Prescott and an even scarier road to conquer. I feel emotionally drained tonight from that experience. Did some fun shopping over the mountain that I will post about tomorrow. Shot this Western Scrub Jay out my bedroom window. We have a pair of them that visits daily. We saw three Meadowlarks this morning and the Cardinal pair was back too. Curtis even captured a couple great shots of a Cedar Wax Wing. That water feature is pure heaven for getting those bird shots.

Day 39 The Invasion of the Quail

Wednesday, February 8 – We have been invaded by Quail, lots of quail. I think that word has gotten out and the neighborhood has moved in. Joe told Bob who told Harry who told Jeff who told Wendy who told everyone else that those new people down the block bought some seed and is it every delish.






























Day 38 Turkey Day

Tuesday, February 7 – Every Sunday is turkey day at Jose’s Cafe. We found out 2 Sundays ago that it is just out of sight, like all the other food, we have had there. Last Sunday, we got it as take out. One of those meals that is just good home cooking. Like with the other daily specials, you get a choice of broccoli or green beans, both of which are fresh and so tasty. We will definitely be going back for more Sundays. I am beginning to think that there is nothing at Jose’s that we don’t love.








Day 37 Italian, This Time Around

Monday, February 6 – There is a cute little Italian restaurant in West Sedona that serves pizza that is supposed to be out of this world; Pizza Heaven.  We should have gone with the recommended pizza. Instead, we had Lasagna and Italian Bread there and both were okay.. I think I prefer the food at Pago’s here in Village of Oak Creek which is a family owned place with exceptional service. The owner greets, seats and serves you. The Lasagna there was fantastic and so was the spaghetti.

















Day 36 Back on the Eating Road Again

Sunday, February 5 – After giving our stomachs a couple days rest, we have been out and about again trying out the local cuisine. The Heartline Cafe is one of my past favorites and it didn’t disappoint this time either. I had Chicken Piccata and a wonderful Corn Chowder. Dessert was very yummy;  Apple Peach Pie and Le Leche Cake . We found out that it is another one of those dog friendly places that has a patio to take the pooch along.


























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