Day 318 Mom and Penny
Here is a photo taken with my little mirrorless Olympus of Mom and Penny enjoying each other’s company.
Here is a photo taken with my little mirrorless Olympus of Mom and Penny enjoying each other’s company.
This little sweetie is growing up way too fast. Â The two of us paid a visit to Great Grandma and had a tea party there. Â Mom was pretty thrilled to share some muffins and a cup of hot chocolate.
This morning yielded the most marvelously colored sunrise outside my bedroom window. I noticed the colors reflecting in my TV screen first. The sunrise was calling. The only camera handy was my Leica, so it was called to service. I also need to have a big camera upstairs, within easy reach.
How about this for a Leopard with glowing hair? She was pretty excited to see Great Grandma and get some trick or treat candy.
If brother can take on the carving job, so can this boy. Lots of concentration going on here.
Things are pretty intense when it comes to any job this boy takes on – pumpkin carving being no exception, as you can see.
The twins had so much fun carving pumpkins for the people who live at Highgate with Grandma Bonnie. She was so excited to see them when they came trick or treating and brought the Jack-0-lanterns with us. The boys are quite the experts when it comes to scooping and cutting, as you can see.
To be a cat! It seems some days that all Jade does is sleep and eat. Guess that is the life of a cat.