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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 355 Recycle

This is my last year’s wreath being recycled and still beautiful!

Day 354 Lots of Bows

Bows by the dozen!

Day 353 Meaning of Christmas

This the real meaning of Christmas! I think this year has made so many people realize how far we have strayed from the real meaning of this holiday. Not being able to in person shop for gifts was tough. But boy were my eyes opened to how much we all have materially. When I asked myself what those I give gifts truly need, I realize I struggle because they already have so much. Covid has opened my eyes. Christmas is not supposed to be about gifts, except for this gift! What a materialistic society we have become. So much hate and cruelty and self-centeredness!

Day 352 Looking Older

This sweetie decided to try my glasses on and wow, did it ever make her look older. Not sure if I like the light or dark vignette.

Day 351 Still Hope

She just found out that there is still hope for presents, if she changes her attitude.

Day 350 I Was Naughty

Someone just found out she was naughty and there will be no presents. Time to kick in the nice personality!

Day 349 New Decoration

My friend, Amy, gave me this adorable gift! Aren’t they the sweetest couple!

Day 348 I Think I Will Go Throw Up

Tried to get Jade to pose with these bells yesterday. Just did not work. Her expression here sure seemed to me to say, “This is not funny. I think I will go throw up”.

Day 347 In the Spotlight

Love the spotlight.

Day 346 Little Tree

Isn’t this a cute little tree.

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