Day 25 Christmas Leftovers
Monday, January 25 – Here are some leftover candy canes from my Christmas tree shot with my macro for my photography class. We have so darned much snow and I was so sick of looking at it, that I decided to feature something different here today. The snow is over my knees everywhere and there are drifts hip high. Doing chores is a real ‘chore’. What a snowstorm!! We certainly didn’t expect that much snow overnight. I am so thankful we don’t have calving cows to worry about. Bobbi and Billi brought the kids out this afternoon to bring me my birthday presents. I got a really neat cookbook from Bobbi’s family that is for cooking for just two people(Walter says I need it badly). She even made me a Rueben casserole in a loaf pan from it. Pretty neat idea!! I can hardly wait for dinner tomorrow night when I bake it. They also got me Shea Cashmere shower gel and lotion(perfect for my new bathroom).  I love that scent so much!! Billi’s family gave me a hardboud book that she had done with photos of all my grandchildren. I wondered why she had ask me for copies of photos off my blog of the kids. Sneaky!! I will cherish it forever. It is so nice to have those favorite photos right there all bound in one place.  What fabulous personal gifts!! Billi even brought supper along; Swedish Meatballs. Talented Brooke brought me a decorated orange horse Birthday cake. What a excellent job she did and it was so good. The kiddos spent some time outside sleighriding in the fluffy snow and giggling. The little girls then all had to use Grandma’s bubbling tub  and then spend time in the sauna. At one time we had all 5 of them at once on laptop and netbook computers. I know what I am using my birthday and Christmas money for now; an ipod touch!! After trying out Bobbi’s, I am sold. It was it or the Kindle and this one is fine for me to see and does so much besides being just an ebook reader. What a great day!! While on the subject of birthday gifts; Tiffany couldn’t be here, but she gave me a gorgeous woven tote/purse with leather straps. I am going to use it to carry my stuff to the Peak when I go swimming. Billi wondered where I got the great tote today. It was a very thoughtful gift that will be used and used. Thanks to all three of my girls for being such wonderful daughters. You are very appreciated and I feel so lucky to have you.
Love the close up shot of the candy canes. It’s so clear!
What a fun day with Bobbi, Billi and family. Too bad Tiff couldn’t be there too but I’m sure she was totally snowed in with all that snow MT has gotten. What a day to treasure. Lots of memories. Did you take a lot of photos?
It’s snowing here this morning. The flakes are big and are beautiful. It won’t last long, though. Rain is expected by the end of the week!
Sounds like a good day. Good choice on the iTouch, too. I have been considering one, since my Asus PDA has problems connecting to the net. Cait got one for college last year, so you can ask her about longterm reliability (and how to watch movies!)