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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 332 Who Are You Trying To Fool?

Sunday, November 28 – Just got through ordering a canvas for Tiff and am excited to see how it turns out. It is using one of those photos of the boys that I posted two days ago.  I really should get some more of my photos done and up on the walls. Here we have a photo courtesy of Walter of his goose hunting a few days ago. I don’t know who they are trying to fool with these decoys. Why are their socks on their heads? Don’t know what he set his camera on, but looks like he needed to adjust for white. Interesting shot and thanks for sharing.


  1. November 28th, 2010 | 2:23 pm
  2. Curtis
    November 28th, 2010 | 3:36 pm

    Sent for some canvas of pelicans for my bathroom, finally. Not quite the same as kid canvas.


  3. Debbie
    November 28th, 2010 | 7:09 pm

    I don’t get the sock over the heads for a decoy either. Crazy. How do you set it for white in the background? I think I needed to do that with my Christmas photos I took the other day as well. Too late for them as I already uploaded some to Costco and ordered the cards. I tried to take a photo of Steve, the little kitten that looks so much like your Jade this afternoon. He wasn’t cooperating, though, and kept moving. He’s a cutie and the only one out of a litter of 7 to survive this fall.

  4. November 29th, 2010 | 12:07 pm

    Debbie, this is Curtis. To help get rid of the blue you can set your white balance to “cloudy”. Or set a custom white balance using a white lens cap or an 18% grey card. But “cloudy” is easiest. Also, you have to OVER expose for a lot of snow. The camera sees snow as 18% grey and exposes for that, but it is really brighter, so the camera is under sxposing. Try it, it works! Really!

    Curtis {!-{>

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