Day 85 Up, Up and Away
This African White-backed Vulture was on his way looking for the latest delicacy to feast on. The  tops of  the Acacia trees were just full of vultures. Some pretty cold Montana mornings lately. It was 3 degrees in Power yesterday when we were preparing the Bountiful Baskets. I believe it is 9 out right now and lots of frost on the vehicles. I am so ready for spring and warm weather. The gals who run the site in Belt have asked me to take over as coordinator. It is a big job, but so worth the wonderful produce we get. I just don’t know if I have the time. I have a corned beef in the crockpot with cabbage from my basket last week. We have had fresh asparagus several times this week. The 9 grain bread is back and I am loving it. I guess I need to start sharing some pictures of goodies, don’t I?
You’d be a fantastic coordinator. You are great with people and believe in the healthy foods Bountiful Baskets brings to the community.
Good timing on the Vulture.