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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 104 Would This Pass Inspection?

I don’t think this would pass inspection for selling to the public in the USA. I am not sure if those are onions that the Masai woman is tending to, but they are definitely a tuber of some kind. I had a busy day yesterday at Bountiful Baskets. We had so many wonderful volunteers, which is so appreciated. We have been selling out every week.  I am heading to Belt shortly to do the bookwork for the site with a couple of my backup people. I find being the VSC (volunteer site coordinator) very rewarding. I think Walter is still wondering why I needed another job.

Robyn Mehmke-1-210


  1. Debbie
    April 14th, 2013 | 4:35 pm

    I know you are a fantastic VSC! You are fantastic with people!

  2. Curtis
    April 14th, 2013 | 8:21 pm

    I wonder that too, but at least this job has positive outcomes most of the time!


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