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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 180 Salsa and Salsa

What a fun excursion this was. Best one I have ever been on in all the cruises I have sailed on. What a great time and yummy experience. The chef who started Salsa and Salsa is actually from Wisconsin. It was well organized and exactly the way I wanted to spend my dock time in Cozumel. I saw the Maya ruins the last time I was here, so was ready for something different. We actually prepared 7 salsas and made margaritas. Because I don’t do alcohol, they made sure my glass was always full of either virgin margaritas or strawberry Daiquiris. I now know the difference in cooked and uncooked salsa and also between green and red salsa. We made guacamole too and then enjoyed a meal of all our preparations. The final dish was a dessert salsa served over Mexican ice cream. Following a nice relaxed meal, we learned to salsa. I would highly recommend this fun experience. We went home with the recipes even, so I have no excuse to not make some drop dead salsa at home. The couple that you see in the pictures were celebrating their 50th anniversary, so they had them be part of the demo making maragitas, while we followed along at our work stations. There was lots of chopping up tomatoes, onions and tomatillos. Garlic and avocado was mashed and lemon juice squeezed. I even learned a really fast and easy way to remove the pit from an avocado.

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  1. Leslee Cotterell-Barrow
    June 27th, 2013 | 11:03 am

    sounds like a great non excursion!!!! I will pass on the ruins. Not that interesting to me.

  2. Curtis {!-{>
    June 27th, 2013 | 8:11 pm

    So was this on the ship or off? And the Desert salsa sounds interesting…


  3. Robyn
    June 28th, 2013 | 8:27 am

    It was off the ship at a nearby resort in an open air covered room. It rained while we were cooking. Sure was glad that it was a covered area. The dessert salsa was fabulous.

  4. Debbie
    June 28th, 2013 | 10:55 pm

    You know me – the closet archeologist – I’d like to see the ruins. BUT I wouldn’t have missed out on that salsa making either. And you have the recipes too? I’m ready to come and visit and make some salsa. YUM

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