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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 26 A “New” Kind of Milk?

Have you seen this milk in the dairy section of your local grocery? I had not and was amazed. I would imagine that most people believe that the cows who supply the milk they buy from the grocery eat grass. I think it is pretty sad to hear that we have to buy special milk to be assured that our milk comes from cows eating what they should – grass. I researched it and found out that a Wisconsin based dairy cooperative approached  some Ferndale, California dairy farmers,  where grass is readily available year round, to start marketing their milk as grass milk. Is there a market for Grassmilk? Time will tell. According to the man at the grocery store here, there is a big demand in this area. Oh, yes, and notice it says cream on top? That is because it is not homogenized. A whole lot like the milk I drank growing up.



  1. Curtis {!-{>
    January 26th, 2014 | 4:39 pm

    At least it is pasteurized! I don’t know if Icould drink it straight or not. Dad used to bring home a gallon of raw milk, not pasteurized or separated and it was too rich to drink straight. Worked good with Nestl’e Quik though!

    Now they have federal swat teams raiding Amish farms that sell raw milk to people who knowingly want…raw milk…<>


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