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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 211 Contemplating

Thursday, July 30 – Here is one I took in Missoula at the Photowalk. I spotted this little girl contemplating what to do with all that tempting water right within reach. I used selective focus on the girl and the water. The weather is still cool here, but the men were back swathing by noon today and hopefully will finish the grain tomorrow. We just need some warm weather to finish the ripening for the combines. I am off to Helena tomorrow to pick up some scrapbook supplies for this weekend’s crop. Debbie and I had lunch with Jenn and Melissa today and then a nice visit with Leslee and Caitlin. We had cows to run in this morning again. I swear they know when the men are tied up with field work.


  1. July 30th, 2009 | 5:33 am

    Very nice!

    Curtis in Bozeman! {!-{>

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