Day 300 A Very Hard Day
Tuesday, October 27 – Today started out being a horrible day. I had the job of taking precious Scout to be cremated. The box that Billi had fixed for her was just precious. Becca and Emma had written goodbye notes to her and there were crowns for her head and even a stuffed toy. When I got to the vet, my kitten, Little Faith, was doing very poorly. We decided that it was time to put her to sleep. The poor little thing had just given up the will to live. She had been tube fed for almost 2 weeks and never would eat on her own. She had what appeared to be pneumonia. I have such a heavy heart tonight, as I wanted her to be able to take Scout’s place in Billi’s life. That just was not meant to be. I know that neither one of them is suffering anymore and they are at peace. I can never thank Sylvia enough for all that she did to try to save Faith. That lady has a heart of gold and a love for animals that is unbelievable. The photo I am sharing today is a leaf that I found in Portland that was just begging for a quick shot.
That leaf was just begging for a shot. The grass is still so GREEN in Portland. Not so here, it’s more like tan for us.
So sorry to hear about little Faith. Both she and Scout are not suffering anymore and are at peace but it’s still so hard for everyone. What a precious box that Becca and Emma and Billi made for Scout!