Day 115 Surgery
Sunday, April 25 – Here are some shots from the surgery center where I had my knee surgery on the 8th. The orthopedic group has their own surgery and everything is brand new, as they just moved in a short time ago. All the gowns are purple and everything matches, even the booties you wear.  One of the impressive things was that they have a dryer type hose that inserts into your gown to keep the patient warm before and during surgery. Very cool – actually very warm! The one shot is of the water wall behind the reception desk for the center. I couldn’t get a better shot, as the wall is so close to the desk. It is pretty impressive with the water running down the wall. My knee is doing well. I am up and walking; a bit stiff, but that will improve. I took my first Pepcid this morning to try to get rid of the stomach problems. That has been the worst part of recovery.
So glad to hear your knee is so much better. I have such a weak stomach as well and get sick to my stomach so easily.