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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 115 Surgery

Sunday, April 25 – Here are some shots from the surgery center where I had my knee surgery on the 8th. The orthopedic group has their own surgery and everything is brand new, as they just moved in a short time ago. All the gowns are purple and everything matches, even the booties you wear.  One of the impressive things was that they have a dryer type hose that inserts into your gown to keep the patient warm before and during surgery. Very cool – actually very warm! The one shot is of the water wall behind the reception desk for the center. I couldn’t get a better shot, as the wall is so close to the desk. It is pretty impressive with the water running down the wall. My knee is doing well. I am up and walking; a bit stiff, but that will improve. I took my first Pepcid this morning to try to get rid of the stomach problems. That has been the worst part of recovery.



  1. Debbie
    April 14th, 2010 | 8:27 pm

    So glad to hear your knee is so much better. I have such a weak stomach as well and get sick to my stomach so easily.

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