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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 27 Happy Trails To You

Thursday, January 28 – It seems that we have seen an awful lot of trails in the last two weeks.  These are all from Boynton Canyon that we hiked on my birthday. A gorgeous hike into the wilderness and very well maintained trails. Shep seems to have enjoyed going along.He sure looks like he is anxious to get off and going here, doesn’t he. Walter snapped that shot and I thought it was good to use here.  He has had more exercise and truck rides in the last couple of weeks than he had in is entire life before. We are off to Antelope Slot Canyon and Horseshoe Bend at Lake Powell on Wednesday. I have been wanting to go here for what seems like forever.  I am ahead here on my blog posting, so it says we are already there. Guess I need to hold off posting for a couple of days.







  1. Debbie
    January 24th, 2011 | 5:11 pm

    I love all the RED everywhere in Sedona! I grew up in the desert but there wasn’t any red, unfortunately. It’s beautiful!! Have fun at Antelope Slot Canyon and Horseshoe Bend at Lake Powell. I cannot wait to see all the photos!

  2. Cheryl
    January 24th, 2011 | 10:08 pm

    Looks lovely. Does the red stain everything?
    Sounds like you are all getting tons of exercise…how are the knees holding out?
    I’m not to sure of the title “Deadman’s Pass”, hopefully not as ominous as it souonds.

  3. Robyn
    January 24th, 2011 | 10:27 pm

    I haven’t had it stain anything yet. Billi’s girls did when they were here with me though. My knees are pretty good. A bit stiff when I first get up from sitting. I will have to find out the story behind that name. This place is so peaceful.

  4. January 26th, 2011 | 4:12 am

    Awwwwww Shep. He’s soooo cute. 😀 How’s the Mac treating you?

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