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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 57 Baby, It’s Cold Outside

Saturday, February 26 – I am sitting here on Thursday morning with the thermometer hovering around 10 below zero. The wind blew hard all night, so the wind chill is around 25 to 30 below. Brrr. The poor cows are bunched up in the coulee trying to get some warmth. The hay is going to taste extra good to them this morning. I shot these last night right before sunset. A few does and fawns are browsing on some left over hay right below my house.  I am sure they are a bit chilly too.





  1. Curtis
    February 24th, 2011 | 1:08 pm

    You’re right–baby it is cold outside!!!!! Got to the grocery store, shoveled the walk, fed the birds and now I’m in for the rest of the day!!!!!
    Stay safe and warm, my friend.

  2. Debbie
    February 24th, 2011 | 2:52 pm

    It’s cold here too. The temps are supposed to be -4 tonight but with the wind chill it will be much colder. Lots of blowing and drifting snow overnight and we had 4 ft drifts in the driveway this morning. Most of it is plowed but I might be able to get a shot or two of a huge drift at the back of the driveway where it hasn’t been plowed yet. No school today. All Community Colleges of Spokane, Whitworth, WSU Spokane and EWU in Cheney were all closed today too. That’s a first I think for a long while.

  3. Cheryl
    March 30th, 2011 | 7:00 pm

    They even looke COLD…
    My motto….Think warm.

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