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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 61 Please Bring Some Spring Weather Soon

Wednesday, March 2 – I am so sick of cold weather. We have wind again today and there is a winter storm moving in tonight with more snow. Yuck!! Isn’t it wonderful that we can get fresh flowers, even in cold Montana, any time of year. Here are some shots with silver and soft gold reflector.



  1. Debbie
    February 28th, 2011 | 6:05 pm

    Thanks for the little rose of warmness into this gray day, Robyn. Maybe spring is just around the corner? My fingers are crossed! We got hit with a huge wind storm last night but the amount of snow expected really didnt’ fall, thankfully. Now it’s just gray but things are dripping so I think we’ll get rain rather than snow tonight.

  2. Leslee
    February 28th, 2011 | 7:35 pm

    It was windy all the way to SLC, but thankfully no snow. You keep it up there until after we get back. Springlike here in Salt Lake for a few days, I guess. i will enjoy it.


  3. March 1st, 2011 | 6:12 am

    Very nice. I think the gold reflector is just a little “heavy” but the silver is just right!

    Curtis {!-{>

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