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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 84 Am I Cute Or What?

Friday, March 25 – I have an old, old cow named Chubby. She has to be pushing 20, which is old for a cow. She has always been a little on the chunky side and is very slow moving, always bringing up the rear when we move cattle. I have kept all of her daughters in the herd, as they are just like her. Chubby surprised us last week with a little calf. This little gal only weighs around 30 pounds and is so tiny. Now that she is a week old, she is getting pretty cute. Here are some shots of the little one. We are under a winter storm warning today. There is supposed to be up to 10 inches of snow overnight. Not good for calving. Babies born in that would not survive.




  1. Debbie
    March 21st, 2011 | 4:35 pm

    This little thing is so cute! What are you going to name her?

    We had rain most of today that I’m sure will hit you as snow. I’m keeping my fingers crossed no calves are born tonight as the winter storm hits you!

  2. Tiffany
    March 22nd, 2011 | 8:15 am


  3. Tiffany
    March 22nd, 2011 | 10:01 am

    Actually “TINY”!!!

  4. Emma
    March 23rd, 2011 | 9:22 pm

    I think you should name her cocoa. She looks like a nice cup of hot cocoa. She is so cute.

  5. Cheryl
    March 30th, 2011 | 6:37 pm

    What a cutie. Beautiful coloring.

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