Day 113 Miserable Storm
Saturday, April 23 – We are in the midst of a horrible wet snow storm. The Belt highway was open to one lane traffic this morning. We lost power for a time, but it is back now. Drifts to your waist in lots of places and around 2 feet of snow. I had to trudge through thigh high snow to get to the chicken house this morning. We can’t even find the newborn calves from yesterday. My fear is that they are buried under the snow. Anything born last night or this morning is definitely history. A real nightmare.I am sure that the news is not going to be good when the snow melts.  Tiffany has 3 feet of snow there and the roads are all closed. You have to chain up to even get around. They have dead calves too. Not a very nice Easter weekend. Just when calf prices are high, we get something like this that kills them. Isn’t it fun to be a rancher/farmer? If you aren’t worrying about prices, you worry about winter storms killing calves and hail destroying grain or a drought. Here are some photos that I just took, now that the snow has let up for a bit. Oh, dear, I just looked out the window and I can’t see down to the barn again. It is snowing harder than ever. Here is what it looks like now looking toward the pond. You can just see the fence posts in front of my house and lots of big snow flakes.
Quite the storm wasn’t it. It stopped snowing in town around 11am. We had well over a foot though. The main roads in town are all clear.
Tim said it was awful coming home from work last evening though.
Having Easter dinner this evening, since we are all supposed to work the weekend.
So much for an Easter egg hunt.
I am usually on my cousin cruise when this wonderful spring storm hit. Why can’t I be in the sunny Caribbean or Hawaii right now?
So sorry about losing calves. This is horrible!
Sorry to hear about the calves. People not involved forget storms like that can be deadly as well as beautiful, for people and livestock.
I hope the horse stampede is c=going well for those who could make it.
Curtis {=-{<