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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 221 What? Blue Angels and No Camera!!

Tuesday, August 10 – Walter and I took the kids in to water plants at Billi’s and low and behold it looked like there might still be some activity up at the airport where the Blue Angels flew yesterday and we missed it. So we drove up to the Fly J to check it out. It was obvious that something was going to happen. So we got outselves a parking spot and waited and sure enough, the Blue Angels put on a performance. Tristan and Lily were thrilled! What to do when you come unprepared to shoot. ? All I had was my iphone camera. It would have been a perfect spot for some telephoto shots too. Better these than nothing though. I did get some pretty good videos which I can not seem to view on the computer when I emailed them to myself. Wrong format or something. Here are a few of the shots I did get. The kids love them even if they are not the best. What a neat memory.





  1. Debbie
    August 1st, 2011 | 10:29 am

    Thank goodness you had your iphone camera. I cannot believe you didn’t have your little G11. You usually have it everywhere. Sounds like Tristan and Lily loved the Blue Angels. What fun!

  2. August 1st, 2011 | 11:34 am

    Tisk, tisk. No G11? For shame!

    Pretty good for a cellphone, though!!!


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