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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 30 Bird On A Wire

Monday, January 30 – My goodness, January is almost over and we have been here in Sedona 3 weeks tomorrow. I figured I better post a nonfood picture for a change. You might think that all we do is eat and there are days that I agree. The area birds love our backyard and seem to flock here every morning. Yesterday there was a pair of Cardinals even and we have seen lots of Bluebirds and quail.  I let Walter use the 5D with the 100-400 to try to get a shot of those red beauties. They were, indeed, allusive. Not one good shot. He needs to get the tripod set up and leave it there for their next visit, as we have seen the male many times. They seem to like the juniper trees.  The weather is gorgeous and the sun shining on the red rocks out the windows is something to behold this morning. I believe this was shot with Walter’s G12 zoomed way out and maybe should have been titled Blue on Blue on Blue.


  1. Debbie
    January 31st, 2012 | 6:49 pm

    I love bird watching. The older I get the more I love to look – wish I actually had the time, though! Hope Walter gets a few good shots of the Cardinals!

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