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Window on Cherry Pie Lane

Day 303 Egyptian Goose

Tuesday, October 30 – Yikes, where has this month gone, as it is Halloween tomorrow? Guess I know why month did fly by, don’t I?! I am still having trouble sleeping nights and prowl the house in the wee hours, as you can see by the time it is -2:18am. It is a full moon out and lovely light. Here is a shot of a pair of Egyptian Goose. They were very prevalent wherever we found water.



  1. Curtis {!-{>
    October 30th, 2012 | 7:48 am

    Interesting photo. It looks have painted! And the water looks like it is standing up rather than going away from the camera. Neat!


  2. October 30th, 2012 | 7:15 pm

    I knew my Dad would comment on this. He loves water fowl.

  3. Debbie
    November 21st, 2012 | 8:01 pm

    I love how the water looks in the background

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